Introducing SpaceStation, a revolution in science classroom design. Designed to give students space to interact, study, discover, learn and enjoy.

Teaching and Learning Philosophy

At the core of all S+B designs is flexibility, so that learning spaces are not restrictive and so that they can be used in different ways and for different applications.

The SpaceStation shape along with the size and configuration options facilitates and promotes collaborative group learning, but is not in any way restrictive of a teacher wishing to have all students faced in one direction for whole class address and demonstration. SpaceStation eliminates the inflexibility, safety and restrictive circulation issues associated with old fashioned fixed forward facing bench rows.

Services and safe working

Services provided in the central areas, along with generous worktop space per student enables practical group working in the most convenient way with excellent teacher access. This is much safer than confining practical work involving naked flames, chemicals and boiling liquids to perimeter benching where students struggle to work in groups, are facing the wall and have their backs to the teacher.

Space to engage, prepare and inspire

This commitment to creating innovative, motivational and effective learning spaces has been the main factor in S+B becoming established as a leading specialist in the UK and International Schools market. The sustained growth in our contemporary furniture designs has enabled us to win the Queens Award for Enterprise.

A key to attracting more students to science and ultimately in helping them realise the enormous opportunities that a STEM based education can provide is in changing perceptions from that of old fashioned, boring subjects to that of something which is contemporary and has relevance in today`s high tech world.